Quilts from the Heart

Through our Quilts from the Heart programme, Bay Quilters members make in excess of 600 quilts a year to donate to organisations that help people who are going through trauma or are needing some support.  These include, among others,  SECASA (South Eastern Centre Against Sexual Assault), Very Special Kids, Mercy and Sandringham Hospitals’ neonate wards, Monash Health Aged Living, The Royal Children’s Hospital (through the Very Snuggly Quilts programme run by Victorian Quilters), Emerge and Quilts of Valour.

The quilts are always appreciated.  This quote is from one of our recipients:

“Hi, I was talking about your group with a friend today and wanted to get in contact to say thank you.  Just over a decade ago, I was gifted one of your quilts through SECASA.  It got me through countless difficult conversations, it dried my tears, it kept me warm when I had little else and, despite it being connected with a very difficult time, it still brings me happiness whenever I look at it. So, thank you.  Keep up the amazing work.”


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